Sung by: Orville McInturff
Recorded in Marshall, AR 8/6/62

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I have a father in the promised land,
I have a father in the promised land,
And I hope someday we'll all get there,
Away over in the promised land.
Away over in the promised land,
Away over in the promised land,
And I hope someday we'll all get there,
Away over in the promised land.

I have a sister in the promised land,
I have a sister in the promised land,
And I hope someday we'll all get there,
Away over in the promised land.

(Comment by Mr. McInturff: "So that's . . . Just like I told you, that's a round song--continues on father, mother, sister, brother, and so forth.")

All Songs Recorded by John Quincy Wolf, Jr., unless otherwise noted

The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection
Lyon College, Batesville, Arkansas
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